These Professional Double-lock Handcuffs, made of steel for improved strength and durability, keep criminals under control. They can be double or single locked and come with two keys and locking instructions. Comes with two keys.
Care Instructions: Lubricate occasionally with light oil
- Lock-Single: Press cuff down on the wrist and rotate jaw until in engage ratchet. Jaw may be tighter as required.
- Lock-Double: With cuff single locked on the wrist. Use tip on key handle to depress plunger on top edge of cuff. Jaw is thus locked against travel in either direction.
- Unlock-Single: Rotate key one quarter by turning clockwise. Do not use undue pressure but be sure to runes the key in the proper direction.
- Unlock-Double: The key must be turned in both clockwise and counterclockwise directions to open double locked handcuffs. Rotate key counterclockwise to release the double lock, ad in the opposite direction to disengage the ratchet. Do not apply undue pressure.